Tips to Simplify Your Hormones Regimen

By: Physicians Preference RX

Man holding vitamin brown bottle show tablets of Vitamin inside instagram tone color
Take a minute and think… what can you do this coming year to become more organized, stress less and achieve all the goals you have set for yourself? Perhaps, purchasing a physical calendar is on your list, or revamping your daily schedule to become more structured.

We find that success and follow through require creating systems and being more regimented. So, here are our New Year’s tips for you to keep you on track and organized about your health this year:

  1. Use a pill sorter for your hormones (and vitamins, unless you are using My HotzePak). It is easy to forget which pills you have taken or to lose 1 or 2 in your work bag or purse, so keeping them all together in a pill box can keep you organized and ensure safe transportation from point A to point B.
  2. Take all your hormones together. A common question we get is “do I need to take my thyroid separate from my other hormones?” And the answer is no. You will need to take your hormones first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. You can take your vitamins 30 minutes to an hour later, after a meal.
  3. Consider consolidating your multiple doses of the same hormones. Once you are stable on your dosage for at least one month, you can request a consolidation. For example, if you take 4 capsules of compounded  Thyroid SR 0.25gr and are stable, you can request a consolidation to 1 capsule of compounded Thyroid SR 1gr. If you have any questions about consolidating your doses, Physicians Preference Pharmacy technicians and pharmacists are always available to assist you.
  4. Always carry a list of your hormones and supplements with you. You can put this list in your wallet or on your phone. This will make it easy to remember what you are taking, as well as convenient for you when speaking with your provider.
  5. If necessary, set a timer on your phone to remind you to take your hormones and/ or vitamins. If you have a busy schedule, like most do, these reminders will be critical for you to be consistent.
  6. Lastly, drink up! Water is your best friend when it comes to absorbing your hormones and supplements. You may notice a huge difference when drinking a full glass of water, versus a few sips just to get the pills down.

Is the thought of getting organized energizing you? We sure hope so! Let us top it off and make things super simple for you. Call us to set your pharmacy and vitamin orders on auto ship. You may reach our pharmacy at 281-828-9088 and Hotze Vitamins at 281-646-1659.

Here’s to making 2017 the best year yet!