The Life-Changing Benefits of Testosterone

By: Physicians Preference RX

The Life-Changing Benefits of Testosterone

As a man ages, his testosterone levels decline steadily. This typically starts in his thirties and continues throughout his life. Despite the well-documented role of testosterone in cardiovascular and bone density, the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy are often overlooked. While this includes a healthy libido, there are significant benefits beyond that, which can be life-changing.

Take a look at some of the things testosterone does for men:

  • Improves muscle mass, strength and tone, and increases stamina and endurance.
  • Protects the heart and arteries, decreases risk of heart disease, and lowers blood pressure by dilating the aorta and coronary arteries of the heart. Men with arteriosclerosis generally have low testosterone levels.
  • Helps maintain a healthy metabolism and improve energy.
  • Improves libido.
  • Enhances cognitive function and memory. It is crucial for maintaining mental sharpness and clarity.
  • Plays a role in building strong bones.
  • Increases assertiveness, initiative and sense of well-being. It improves self-confidence and drive.
  • Decreases body fat around the waist.
  • Improves moods, and relieves anxiety and depression.
  • Improves sleep and sleep apnea. Low testosterone causes men to wake up frequently, snore, and feel fatigued after waking.

Not Just for Men
Women produce smaller amounts of testosterone than men even in the prime of life. However, that does not mean that they are spared the effects of a decline in levels of this hormone. The benefits, besides enhancing sexual desire and pleasure, are: improves the tone of vagina and bladder, decreases body fat, improves muscle strength and bone density, enhances the function of thyroid hormone, relieves anxiety and depression and promotes clearer thinking.

Dosing & Quality
Testosterone comes in both injectable and compounded forms (transdermal cream, sublingual tablets and capsules). When choosing compounds, it’s vital that quality standards are followed.

At Physicians Preference Pharmacy, for example, we have a machine that tests them individually and gives us a complete report with accuracy, standard deviation, and more. In addition, we regularly send samples of compounds for testing to the same outside laboratory that is used by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. This is above and beyond what is required by law. By testing these samples we validate our ingredients, our processes and procedures, so you can feel confident that you’re getting just what the doctor ordered.

In fact, if you have ever switched to a different pharmacy and noticed that you weren’t feeling quite the same, it could be due to a difference in quality standards. In addition to those outlined above, this could include additional fillers, lactose and other ingredients that could cause a reaction. If you think this may have happened to you, our pharmacists are always available to answer your questions. Give us a call at 281-828-9088.