Put a Little Hormone Love in Your Heart

By: Physicians Preference RX

Wedding couple holding hands. Hands, rings, bracelets, cuff links, cuff closeup.I’m going to let you in on a little secret of love for February. A secret that will increase smile frequency, improve skin tone, and give you more joy. You ready for it? Two words: cuddle hormone.

You may chuckle, but in all seriousness, there is a cuddle hormone and its scientific name is oxytocin. This love hormone is released when an individual engages in activities such as snuggling, hugging, and social bonding. You see, there is a scientific and genetic draw towards physical touch and socialization (women aren’t just making it up!).

This small amino acid peptide is believed to be involved in a wide variety of physiological functions. Individuals who are low in oxytocin are typically more likely to have trust issues and may have a harder time connecting with new people in their life. Physical signs can include limited emotional expressions, pale face, and dry eyes. They may also experience a decline in sex drive and ability to feel enhanced pleasure.

On the flip side, women and men with adequate levels of oxytocin are associated with more willingness to trust, the capacity to adapt to emotional circumstances, increased generosity, and more radiant skin.

So, since it is the month of love, after all, you may find that it’s the perfect time to take advantage of this happy hormone, as it might be the extra spice you need to more closely bond with your significant other and to emit joy to all those you love.

At Physicians Preference Pharmacy, oxytocin is carefully compounded in small sublingual tablets in varying strengths to address each guest’s needs. If you believe you would benefit from oxytocin, then contact your provider today to discuss your symptom concerns.

Call Physicians Preference Pharmacy for your hormone needs at 281-828-9088. It will be our privilege to serve you!

May you have a love-filled month of February!