Dangers of Unopposed Estrogen

By: Physicians Preference RX

Dangers of Unopposed Estrogen

To function optimally, the female body requires a balance of estrogens (a trio of related hormones called estradiol, estrone, and estriol) and progesterone. The ovaries are the primary site for the production of both the estrogens and progesterone.

But while both estrogen and progesterone levels decline with age, progesterone declines much more dramatically. By menopause, a woman’s progesterone level is likely to be a mere 1/120 of the level she experienced in her early twenties. This is called estrogen dominance.

Estrogen dominance occurs when the hormonal balance is shifted in favor of the estrogens, and estrogen is unopposed by progesterone. This condition just as correctly could be called progesterone deficiency. Progesterone deficiency usually begins in midlife, around 35 years of age, and continues until menopause.  Progesterone levels fall as women have anovulatory cycles (when ovulation does not occur) and as their ovaries age.

Keep in mind that a woman who is not ovulating produces no progesterone in her ovaries.  Meanwhile, we’re living in an environment that is full of xenoestrogens that mimic estrogen in our body and disrupt hormone balance, which tips the scale further in favor of estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency. So why should you be concerned about estrogen dominance? It causes many unwanted health symptoms and increases your risk for cancer.

Symptoms of estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency include premenstrual headaches often migraine in nature, fluid retention, weight gain, anxiety, panic attacks, low libido, PMS, menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, depression, fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, menorrhagia (heavy, painful menstrual periods), endometriosis, functional hypothyroidism, and increased risk of breast cancer and endometrial cancer.

Did you know that there are five specific times in a woman’s life when she is at heightened risk for estrogen dominance?

2.After childbirth
3.When taking birth control pills
4.During midlife
5.When placed on counterfeit hormones, such as Premarin, prior to or after menopause

Conventional doctors tell women that once they enter menopause or have had a hysterectomy that they don’t need progesterone anymore, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Women do still need progesterone even in menopause in order to balance the estrogen. Beware that conventional doctors also prescribe drugs such as Premarin, which contains potent horse estrogens and has dangerous side effects.

The natural, safe solution is to restore your progesterone levels and balance the estrogen with bioidentical progesterone that is molecularly identical to the progesterone made by your human body. This will help keep your body in balance and healthy!

Call Physicians Preference Pharmacy at 281-828-9088 for your bioidentical hormone needs today.